Order Management System
The NDC Order Management System records the orders with a focus on the service delivery. This requires record keeping not only of purchased items, but also their delivery status, their price, the taxes, and the details of the service delivery partners such as, lounge providers, ground handlers, etc. All parties involved in delivering services throughout the journey must have access to the information needed for them to deliver the service, and they also need to update the order management system, with the status of each delivery with real-time updates available throughout the entire fulfillment chain, including the passenger. The JR Technologies Order Management Systems are fully IATA ONE Order compliant at every step of the process, enabling you to leverage the efficiency of these processes immediately.
Order Manager GUI
Your Call Center, ATOs, and CTOs are important distribution channels and JR Technologies understands the importance of providing exceptional customer service, by having complete information to hand. Our Order Manager portal allows for full sales and servicing of orders by your representatives, including the addition of personalized merchandizing during any contact. A graphical interface to all of the functions reduces your training time for staff and security modules, and ensures that the staff can only perform pre-authorized functions. Seamless order handling with full control over the offers by your authorized staff, allows for front-line agents to present standard personalized offers, while your supervisors can modify the offers to meet your customer service requirements. Therefore, giving you full centralized control and auditability of any offers, thus to maximize your customer satisfaction.
Business Intelligence
Offer and Order management systems need to be closely integrated, and their data needs to persist beyond the transaction, in order to provide real time business intelligence such as, offer-to-order conversion rates. Real-time business intelligence can facilitate rapid intervention by the revenue management and marketing teams, as they get advance notice of buying patterns. The availability of such information will enhance the value of data lakes that machine learning engines rely on to predict and correct certain revenue trends.

With every system constantly monitored, we ensure smooth operations of our products and customers.

Our customers rest assured that their demands and their queries are met in real time.

Everything is up and running all time to ensure that our customers benefits go on unimpeded.